Star Fox Adventures
Cheat Tokens
To open up Cheats in the game, you will need to find Cheat Tokens in wells hidden through out Dinosaur Planet. Once you find a Cheat Token, throw it in the well in the Game Well Maze below WarpStone to activate it. You'll receive the message "Cheat Activated", but you won't know the name of the cheat. See the following individual cheats to see where and how the cheat menu is enabled.
Display Credits
This cheat will let you see the credits in the game.
Find this Cheat Token in the ThornTail Store and drop it into the Game Well Maze well to get this option to appear on your Main Options screen.
Play Music
This cheat allows you to play all of the music in the game.
Find the Cheat Token in Ice Mountain, then drop it into the Game Well Maze well to make this option appear in your Audio Options.
Dinosaur Language
This cheat will show subtitles for the dinosaur language.
Find the Cheat Token in Moon Mountain Pass, then drop it into the Game Well Maze well to make this option appear in the Language Options screen. Note: Oddly, the subtitles do not follow the language exactly. Why? Ask Nintendo.
Black and White Mode
This cheat will let you play the game in a black and white type mode. The screen will appear in different shades of brown.
Find the Cheat Token in Cape Claw, then drop it into the Game Well Maze well to make this option appear in the Main Options screen.
Fortune Told
This cheat will tell you a fortune at the Game Well Maze well.
Find the Cheat Tokens in LightFoot Village, SnowHorn Wastes, Volcano Force Point Temple, and the Ocean Force Point Temple. When you throw them into the Game Well Maze well, they'll tell you a fortune.
In LightFoot Village, rescue the children to make Rocket Boost Pad appear. Use it to reach a well on the upper ridge of LightFoot Village.
In SnowHorn Wastes, ride ice floes down the river to find the token well.
In Volcano Force Point Temple, drop down to the left of the main gate, plant a Moon Seed, then climb the vine.
In Ocean Force Point Temple, during your second visit, after the electric panels, swim off to the right to find a Portal Door.